For those of you that are my friends on Facebook I'm sure you have seen that I have posted several times the phrase "baby steps." Although I am not ready to fully divulge all that has happened in the last 6 months. I am ready to get back on the horse of writing this blog. Another "baby step" that I am taking. Maybe in the next few weeks I can fully explain what has been going on in the last few months and the last few years. I have many thanks to my family, for they have done and continue to do so much for me. I am truly humbled at the out pour of support I get from them. I cannot say enough how thankful I am. The little tasks that I do for them do not even compare to things they do for me each and everyday. Thank you!
So today is day one of this blog (I know almost 6 months ago was day one). Tomorrow is another step and with each step I have taken, life seems to get better.
Tomorrow is only a day away:)