Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Chronicles of Sabrina Shaw

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolute ridicules than absolute boring” Marilyn Monroe.

 My life has been amazing; it is filled with imperfections and is full of ridiculousness.  I wrote this up for an ice breaker for Toastmasters. I think it is the perfect first post, a little about me.

On December 20th 1979, 3 weeks early, I was born.  I am the middle child of five kids.

Forward a few more years, at the age of 5, I got my first ride in a Cop Car. My sister pushed me off the bed and I hit my head on the corner of the toy box.  Blood rushing down my face, my mom waved down a friend that was a cop, he drove us to the nearest hospital where the staff believed it was my mom that beat me up….not the toy box.

In High School, I got the courage to sing my first solo at Solo ensemble, I cried afterwards.

My senior year we made it to State softball, division 3…. we did not win.

My Name (Sabrina) is Irish which means Princess so it should not be surprising that I was Queen three times in high school: Rodeo Queen, Homecoming Queen and Prom queen. Believe me I don’t let it go to my head.

After graduating from High school, I traveled to New Zealand to play in Hoops down under.  I played a lot of basketball and did some sightseeing.  I went whitewater rafting for the first time in my life. 

In the fall I went to College at UW-Platteville where I played basketball and majored The next year I transferred to UW-Milwaukee to pursue a nursing degree.

While going to school, I worked at Rocky Rococo’s in Milwaukee. One night we got held up by gun point. It was surreal. Never once did I think they would shoot me. This was the second time that I got to ride in a cop car. And hopefully my last.

During a summer break I went on a bike ride, I stopped at an old neighbor’s house. We got to talking and shortly after we were in his 4 seat plane flying over my hometown. He let me fly!

In 2002, almost exactly one year after 911 I signed up to join the United States Navy.  By far the best decision I ever made.  

2003 the war in Iraq started and I went to boot camp several months later.

That November, my mother called me to let me know that a High school friend was killed in Iraq. 17 soldiers died when 2 Blackhawks collided.  I will forever remember my friend, my brother Eugene Uhl.

After I had completed my training, I got orders to Okinawa Japan. That December the Tsunami hit Indonesia and the surrounding areas. I was deployed to Sri Lanka to provide medical care to an Engineering unit. This was my only deployment….a mini deployment.

In Japan I met my husband. We are both from Wisconsin. It took us moving half way around the world and a Tsunami to make us meet. We were both deployed and on that deployment we started talking. After our year in Japan we were transferred to Bremerton Washington.  Shortly after we moved, my Son Kadyn was born.

January 3, 2008 we made it official, Chad and I got married on a rainy night in a park in Washington…a few days later we got some other big news. We were pregnant with our 2nd child.

In February, My husband was deployed to Iraq. About 2 month after he got there I got a call that he was in Baghdad hospital.  Thank God he only broke a few bones in his ankle.

Kiera was born September 3rd, one week early. She didn’t want to wait for her dad to get home first. She met him 3 weeks later.  And together we moved to Aurora Colorado.

Several fun things happened while we lived in Colorado:

I finally graduated for College.  

A tornado hit within a mile from my house.

I hiked my first 14er.

We took a family vacation to Florida; Disney world and Daytona Beach.
Started my Photography Business, not officially a legal company.

Then 2011 we got new order to move to Minnesota, we decided this state because it was close to family, not because of the weather.

2012 Both Kadyn and Kiera had their first surgeries; tonsils and Adenoid.

And now we are here in 2013 waiting on orders. Waiting to see what our next adventure will be.


My life is not perfect but that is exactly why it is perfect for me.



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