Friday, June 14, 2013

Short Story

This event happened a few weeks ago, I wanted to share it because its hilarious. Its so crazy that it has to be true. It started out as an email to my best friend but then just got so long that I turned it into a short story.

The day that I went to the post office.

 My best friend tells me that she sent me a card. Eagerly I wait in anticipation for this wonderful card from the most beautiful best friend a person can ever ask for. Instead of a card I a get a message from the post office saying that I owe 18 cents. Great! I have to go to South Saint Paul by 5pm to get this card! A few days pass and I finally have time to go get the card. I head to the post office.

As I made a left hand turn, I literally felt the tire come off my beautiful 2002 Honda Accord. It made such a horrific noise. Much louder then my heart beat that I’m sure double.  I got out of my car shaking. Looked in disbelieve. I first thought the tire came completely off but it was like a loose tooth barely hanging on. A Woman from the building, near the intersection, opened the window and asked if I was okay. I’m like “Yeah but my car is broke and of course my phone is dead!”  She told me to come on in; we have tons of phones in here! So I went into this place. Not even certain how to get in let alone what kind of building it was. I locked my car and this nice man said he would watch my car. (Like it was going somewhere) I go up to the second floor still in wonder what this place was. I finally find the nice lady and call Chad(my husband) and of course he doesn’t answer a number he does not recognize. Unable to get a hold of my lovely husband, we in search for an I Phone charger! Thankfully someone had a charger. I had to wait until the darn thing was charged enough to make a call. While I was waiting I started to talk to the nice lady and her male friend. I proceeded to ask what this place was and what they were doing there. They told me that it was an old restaurant/hotel/night club where they were making a movie…I first thought oh my they are making a Porno. (Definitely low budget movie) and it was confirmed by my new male friend (assistant director) that it was a porn! He asked me if I wanted to do a scene! Okay so maybe that was a lie...the part that they asked me to be in a scene…But he did say it was a porno but of course he was joking, it was a scary movie. Thank God! I can handle a scary movie set but not sure my heart could handle a porno set.

Finally I got a hold of Chad. Told him where I was and waited for my prince charming to come rescue me. I got the holler (literally a holler from the nice man that was watching my car) that the Police had arrived and requested my presence.  I made my way back to the Police officer. And of course I’m nervous. So I confidently say “What, I can’t park here?” He laughed. Then asked for my license and preceded to see if I had a warrant out for my arrest. Because I’m a good person, I helped him enter my information into his computer. He had no clue how to enter a Washington License in his computer. From a far, several things popped up on this computer and he clicked on the WANTED proceed with caution! I of course said “YES! I’m wanted” he said “That’s not you, but I’m sure it feels nice to be wanted.”  Before he could find anything on me I blurted out that I had 3 speeding tickets at the age of 17 and 20. He said my record was clean, whew. That out of the way, we waited for the tow truck and for Chad. They all came and with an hour the whole ordeal was basically over. I said thank you and abide my Police Officer goodbye and was swept away to the near by garage. Paid the tow truck the 83.00 dollars it cost to move my car 2 blocks and handed over the keys. This is the point that I let one tear drop and tried to think positive for the rest of the night.

I never made it to the post office.


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