In the last several months things have really changed in my life. I was seeing signs that I needed to get back to my Journey with Jesus. First it was watching Preachers Daughter(I'm a reality junkie). I would pause to read the scripture that they would put in. Flipping through the radio and stopping on a Christian Rock Song, and liking it! I picked up a book from the library, read the entire thing to realize it was listed under Christian Love. And the big one happened when I was watching HGTV (Love that channel) House Hunters. The episode was about a newlywed couple from Texas. I loved the houses that they were looking at. She is a blogger and her blog was on there. Of course I had to check out her blog. I was immediately in love with this blog. Like a reality TV show, I was hooked. Looking through the past post she talked about her religion and I just knew I had to contact her. So stalker like I emailed her. Feeling a bit silly because who emails a complete stranger to ask them about their faith??? ME! That’s who!
This is what I emailed her:
My Name is Sabrina; I'm from Minneapolis, MN. I first saw your episode on House hunters and decided to check out your blog. I know this is a bit strange but you just seem like a down to earth woman. Anyway, the reason that I am emailing you is I have a few questions about your faith. Did you grow up very religious or is it something you discovered on your own?
I see signs all over that I need to start back up. It’s crazy. Like for instance your episode, flipping through on the radio and liking a Christian rock song. Just randomly the other day I picked up a book at the library and read the whole thing to realize that it was a Christian love type of book.
I was raised Catholic and am not sure if that is the right church for me. If you have any advice please let me know. I will be reading your blog now that I have discovered it. I do like it so far.
SHE REPLIED!!!! Wow, I wasn’t really sure if she was going to reply or not. But by golly she did! And it was the BEST email that I have received! Okay, one of the best. ;) She told me a bit about her relationship with Jesus. She gave me two great pieces of advice; first Pray. Such a simple but powerful word! And then she told me to check out the website They go to a church that is a part of the Acts 29 network which is a group of planted churches all across the world that are non denominational and very mission focused. I was barely done reading this amazing email before I was going to this website to check it out.
This is what happened next! (Also my follow email)
Well I went on the website you sent me. Found multiple churches in my area. I pretty much knew which church was the one. But I did check out the others leaving the one I though was it for last. After not being super excited about the other churches I decided it was time to check out the one that I thought was it from the start. With one click I was certain I had found my church. Knowing that you cannot always rely on the Internet, I decided to go to this church this past weekend.
It's beyond my expectations. I felt completely welcome! I took my daughter with me and I never worried about her being too loud or moving around. I swear the girl doesn't know how to sit still! I've been to a church where you had to sit in a certain section or even in a quite room. I always felt like I was exiled. I love the concept of the church and cannot wait to go on this journey! I tell you I prayed the whole 22 minutes it took me to get to the church. Well worth the drive. (I'm not a big fan of commutes) I walked into the church and knew from the first moment that I found my church....Hope Community Church...perfect name for me. I need Hope.
Funny how HGTV found you a house and me a church!
If you are curious about Home Community Church check them out at
If you are not from the Minneapolis Area and are looking for a church, check out
My first post title was “The Chronicles of Sabrina Shaw” and I did that because it was Ruthie Hart from The Chronicles of Ruthie Hart at that made this blog possible…through Him.
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