Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tis the season...for New Years Resolutions!

Fast approaching is the lists that are formulated for the New Years resolution. I thought 2013 was going to be a great year for me. Boy was I wrong...or was I right? This year I made the decision to leave my husband and move in with my parents till I could figure out the next step in my life. It has been a crazy 6 months. That's right 6 months of living with my parents....again! It has been great for the kids. Living everywhere but Wisconsin has limited the amount of time that the kids have spent with my parents and the ex's parents. I am truly grateful that they have had this time together. Me, well I am lots to work on and I know that next year will be great. If everything goes right I will be in my own place and much closer to work! But here is my list. The list that I am starting with:

New Years Resolution 2014

1. Lose Weight (been on my list for the majority of my life)
2. Read more...Actually I MUST read Scarlet Letter this year!
3. Take more pictures of me and the kids together. (a very hard task)
4. Spend more time doing stuff with the kids, even if it is playing a video game with Kadyn.
5. Take the kids on a summer adventure.
6. No more fast food! I have pretty much stopped eating at McD's. But Taco Bell will be the hardest.
7. Eat tons more veggies and fruits.
8. Run a 1/2 Marathon.
9. Drink more water.
10. Do more things that make me happy.

Its only December 14th, so I have some time to adjust my expectations. Maybe add more to my list. Next year I hope to have all these off my list and have a completely new list. Notice I refused to put going to a gym on there, well I HATE not spending with my kids because I want to work on me. Right now I just cannot do that. So my plan is to be that mom that is up at 830 working out while their kids are sleeping. Or God help me! Get up early to work out! I love to sleep so that one is always hard for me but maybe now that I'm getting older (34 this year, yikes) it will be easier...I think not!

Till next time hug your kids!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Baby steps...

For those of you that are my friends on Facebook I'm sure you have seen that I have posted several times the phrase "baby steps." Although I am not ready to fully divulge all that has happened in the last 6 months. I am ready to get back on the horse of writing this blog. Another "baby step" that I am taking. Maybe in the next few weeks I can fully explain what has been going on in the last few months and the last few years. I have many thanks to my family, for they have done and continue to do so much for me. I am truly humbled at the out pour of support I get from them. I cannot say enough how thankful I am. The little tasks that I do for them do not even compare to things they do for me each and everyday.  Thank you!

So today is day one of this blog (I know almost 6 months ago was day one).  Tomorrow is another step and with each step I have taken, life seems to get better.

Tomorrow is only a day away:)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A while back I was watching TV and an advisement for a dating website popped up, this one was for Farmers and I'm telling you, I laughed so hard and of course called my best friend to make sure she was signed up for this site. She informed me that she is not but couldn't believe that I have not heard of it.

Well lately I have been think that it would be nice to have a "dating" website not for dating but for friendships. For me it has always been hard to make friends. Even hard since becoming a Marine wife. Life is not like Army Wives, let me tell you! I have not lived on post/base/camp since I was stationed in Bremerton, Washington. When we were in Colorado we lived about 15 minutes away from base. And now he is stationed at a Reserve Center on a Reservist base. NO BASE HOUSING. Living off base makes it hard, even when the neighborhood women were very nice! But I never felt like I could go hang out with them. I mean I do have two kids so I would want that common denominator but also to go have the chance to go get a drink once in awhile or go to a movie, especially a movie that I'm sure my husband would not want to see. So is there a website out there? I should really look into this little idea...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

This is me.

I have set out to change my life, first of all I want to be able to love the person I see in the morning. I have started exercising to get fit. It's not about losing weight (yes I do want to shed some pounds) but I want to be tone and full of energy. The kids are finally at an age that we can go together to a playground/basketball court and they can play and I can shoot hoops. It has always been hard for me to go to a gym because of the guilt I feel with the kids. I hate being away from them but taking them on walks is more stress than its worth. So the last few days have been great. They have played so well and I have gotten some good miles in walking and playing basketball. Ah have I and do I miss playing basketball. The good old days of playing basketball all the time!

Below are pictures of my two kiddos. The joys of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without them! For them I want to be happy and healthy. So here is the me losing weight and getting fit! If not for me for them!

Monday, June 17, 2013

My Passion. My Photography.

I started my photography (not a legal business yet) while living in Colorado. I started because of my kids. But the thing is, I remember taking pictures in High school. I even once took pictures of my High School Best Friend. I think if we had the technology that we do now, I would have been more into it. It's so much easier to practice taking pictures because of the digital camera. Before you had to develop film and wait to see if the picture turned out the way you wanted it. I still use my film camera just to get different type of picture but not when I want pictures of the usually takes me about 100 pictures to get just 3-4 good ones.

This little guy is my nephew. And he loves to run away from me and of course not look at the camera. I believe his mom is making crazy faces at him to make him smile. Something that has been extremely hard for him to do when I am around with my camera.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

HGTV and a little Faith

In the last several months things have really changed in my life. I was seeing signs that I needed to get back to my Journey with Jesus. First it was watching Preachers Daughter(I'm a reality junkie). I would pause to read the scripture that they would put in. Flipping through the radio and stopping on a Christian Rock Song, and liking it! I picked up a book from the library, read the entire thing to realize it was listed under Christian Love. And the big one happened when I was watching HGTV (Love that channel) House Hunters. The episode was about a newlywed couple from Texas. I loved the houses that they were looking at. She is a blogger and her blog was on there. Of course I had to check out her blog. I was immediately in love with this blog. Like a reality TV show, I was hooked. Looking through the past post she talked about her religion and I just knew I had to contact her. So stalker like I emailed her. Feeling a bit silly because who emails a complete stranger to ask them about their faith??? ME! That’s who! 

This is what I emailed her: 

My Name is Sabrina; I'm from Minneapolis, MN. I first saw your episode on House hunters and decided to check out your blog. I know this is a bit strange but you just seem like a down to earth woman. Anyway, the reason that I am emailing you is I have a few questions about your faith. Did you grow up very religious or is it something you discovered on your own? 

I see signs all over that I need to start back up. It’s crazy. Like for instance your episode, flipping through on the radio and liking a Christian rock song. Just randomly the other day I picked up a book at the library and read the whole thing to realize that it was a Christian love type of book. 

 I was raised Catholic and am not sure if that is the right church for me. If you have any advice please let me know. I will be reading your blog now that I have discovered it. I do like it so far.

 SHE REPLIED!!!! Wow, I wasn’t really sure if she was going to reply or not. But by golly she did! And it was the BEST email that I have received! Okay, one of the best. ;) She told me a bit about her relationship with Jesus. She gave me two great pieces of advice; first Pray. Such a simple but powerful word! And then she told me to check out the website They go to a church that is a part of the Acts 29 network which is a group of planted churches all across the world that are non denominational and very mission focused. I was barely done reading this amazing email before I was going to this website to check it out.

This is what happened next! (Also my follow email)

Well I went on the website you sent me. Found multiple churches in my area. I pretty much knew which church was the one. But I did check out the others leaving the one I though was it for last. After not being super excited about the other churches I decided it was time to check out the one that I thought was it from the start. With one click I was certain I had found my church. Knowing that you cannot always rely on the Internet, I decided to go to this church this past weekend.

It's beyond my expectations. I felt completely welcome! I took my daughter with me and I never worried about her being too loud or moving around. I swear the girl doesn't know how to sit still! I've been to a church where you had to sit in a certain section or even in a quite room. I always felt like I was exiled. I love the concept of the church and cannot wait to go on this journey! I tell you I prayed the whole 22 minutes it took me to get to the church. Well worth the drive. (I'm not a big fan of commutes) I walked into the church and knew from the first moment that I found my church....Hope Community Church...perfect name for me. I need Hope.

Funny how HGTV found you a house and me a church! 

If you are curious about Home Community Church check them out at
If you are not from the Minneapolis Area and are looking for a church, check out
My first post title was “The Chronicles of Sabrina Shaw” and I did that because it was Ruthie Hart from The Chronicles of Ruthie Hart at that made this blog possible…through Him.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Short Story

This event happened a few weeks ago, I wanted to share it because its hilarious. Its so crazy that it has to be true. It started out as an email to my best friend but then just got so long that I turned it into a short story.

The day that I went to the post office.

 My best friend tells me that she sent me a card. Eagerly I wait in anticipation for this wonderful card from the most beautiful best friend a person can ever ask for. Instead of a card I a get a message from the post office saying that I owe 18 cents. Great! I have to go to South Saint Paul by 5pm to get this card! A few days pass and I finally have time to go get the card. I head to the post office.

As I made a left hand turn, I literally felt the tire come off my beautiful 2002 Honda Accord. It made such a horrific noise. Much louder then my heart beat that I’m sure double.  I got out of my car shaking. Looked in disbelieve. I first thought the tire came completely off but it was like a loose tooth barely hanging on. A Woman from the building, near the intersection, opened the window and asked if I was okay. I’m like “Yeah but my car is broke and of course my phone is dead!”  She told me to come on in; we have tons of phones in here! So I went into this place. Not even certain how to get in let alone what kind of building it was. I locked my car and this nice man said he would watch my car. (Like it was going somewhere) I go up to the second floor still in wonder what this place was. I finally find the nice lady and call Chad(my husband) and of course he doesn’t answer a number he does not recognize. Unable to get a hold of my lovely husband, we in search for an I Phone charger! Thankfully someone had a charger. I had to wait until the darn thing was charged enough to make a call. While I was waiting I started to talk to the nice lady and her male friend. I proceeded to ask what this place was and what they were doing there. They told me that it was an old restaurant/hotel/night club where they were making a movie…I first thought oh my they are making a Porno. (Definitely low budget movie) and it was confirmed by my new male friend (assistant director) that it was a porn! He asked me if I wanted to do a scene! Okay so maybe that was a lie...the part that they asked me to be in a scene…But he did say it was a porno but of course he was joking, it was a scary movie. Thank God! I can handle a scary movie set but not sure my heart could handle a porno set.

Finally I got a hold of Chad. Told him where I was and waited for my prince charming to come rescue me. I got the holler (literally a holler from the nice man that was watching my car) that the Police had arrived and requested my presence.  I made my way back to the Police officer. And of course I’m nervous. So I confidently say “What, I can’t park here?” He laughed. Then asked for my license and preceded to see if I had a warrant out for my arrest. Because I’m a good person, I helped him enter my information into his computer. He had no clue how to enter a Washington License in his computer. From a far, several things popped up on this computer and he clicked on the WANTED proceed with caution! I of course said “YES! I’m wanted” he said “That’s not you, but I’m sure it feels nice to be wanted.”  Before he could find anything on me I blurted out that I had 3 speeding tickets at the age of 17 and 20. He said my record was clean, whew. That out of the way, we waited for the tow truck and for Chad. They all came and with an hour the whole ordeal was basically over. I said thank you and abide my Police Officer goodbye and was swept away to the near by garage. Paid the tow truck the 83.00 dollars it cost to move my car 2 blocks and handed over the keys. This is the point that I let one tear drop and tried to think positive for the rest of the night.

I never made it to the post office.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Chronicles of Sabrina Shaw

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolute ridicules than absolute boring” Marilyn Monroe.

 My life has been amazing; it is filled with imperfections and is full of ridiculousness.  I wrote this up for an ice breaker for Toastmasters. I think it is the perfect first post, a little about me.

On December 20th 1979, 3 weeks early, I was born.  I am the middle child of five kids.

Forward a few more years, at the age of 5, I got my first ride in a Cop Car. My sister pushed me off the bed and I hit my head on the corner of the toy box.  Blood rushing down my face, my mom waved down a friend that was a cop, he drove us to the nearest hospital where the staff believed it was my mom that beat me up….not the toy box.

In High School, I got the courage to sing my first solo at Solo ensemble, I cried afterwards.

My senior year we made it to State softball, division 3…. we did not win.

My Name (Sabrina) is Irish which means Princess so it should not be surprising that I was Queen three times in high school: Rodeo Queen, Homecoming Queen and Prom queen. Believe me I don’t let it go to my head.

After graduating from High school, I traveled to New Zealand to play in Hoops down under.  I played a lot of basketball and did some sightseeing.  I went whitewater rafting for the first time in my life. 

In the fall I went to College at UW-Platteville where I played basketball and majored The next year I transferred to UW-Milwaukee to pursue a nursing degree.

While going to school, I worked at Rocky Rococo’s in Milwaukee. One night we got held up by gun point. It was surreal. Never once did I think they would shoot me. This was the second time that I got to ride in a cop car. And hopefully my last.

During a summer break I went on a bike ride, I stopped at an old neighbor’s house. We got to talking and shortly after we were in his 4 seat plane flying over my hometown. He let me fly!

In 2002, almost exactly one year after 911 I signed up to join the United States Navy.  By far the best decision I ever made.  

2003 the war in Iraq started and I went to boot camp several months later.

That November, my mother called me to let me know that a High school friend was killed in Iraq. 17 soldiers died when 2 Blackhawks collided.  I will forever remember my friend, my brother Eugene Uhl.

After I had completed my training, I got orders to Okinawa Japan. That December the Tsunami hit Indonesia and the surrounding areas. I was deployed to Sri Lanka to provide medical care to an Engineering unit. This was my only deployment….a mini deployment.

In Japan I met my husband. We are both from Wisconsin. It took us moving half way around the world and a Tsunami to make us meet. We were both deployed and on that deployment we started talking. After our year in Japan we were transferred to Bremerton Washington.  Shortly after we moved, my Son Kadyn was born.

January 3, 2008 we made it official, Chad and I got married on a rainy night in a park in Washington…a few days later we got some other big news. We were pregnant with our 2nd child.

In February, My husband was deployed to Iraq. About 2 month after he got there I got a call that he was in Baghdad hospital.  Thank God he only broke a few bones in his ankle.

Kiera was born September 3rd, one week early. She didn’t want to wait for her dad to get home first. She met him 3 weeks later.  And together we moved to Aurora Colorado.

Several fun things happened while we lived in Colorado:

I finally graduated for College.  

A tornado hit within a mile from my house.

I hiked my first 14er.

We took a family vacation to Florida; Disney world and Daytona Beach.
Started my Photography Business, not officially a legal company.

Then 2011 we got new order to move to Minnesota, we decided this state because it was close to family, not because of the weather.

2012 Both Kadyn and Kiera had their first surgeries; tonsils and Adenoid.

And now we are here in 2013 waiting on orders. Waiting to see what our next adventure will be.


My life is not perfect but that is exactly why it is perfect for me.